This summer we really did not do anything. We were going to try and go to California but Martin could not take the time off when we needed it. The one thing we did do this summer was go camping. We drove the 3 hour trip to Swift Creek up in the Uinta's where Martin's dad started camping in the late 1930's. This is where Martin remembers camping with his family and fishing with his dad.

I like it because it is quiet and fresh, the air smells better and the trees look greener than in Utah Valley. The girls were so excited to finally go camping. So far their experience of camping has been what they see on the television and when we set up the tent in the living room. They did not quite understand why there was really nothing to do or why there was so many bugs. Bugs are one thing that my girls really do not like. In the morning, Martin and his dad went fishing, while the girls and I tried to set up camp. The girls were bored and tired of the bugs by the time the boys returned. After lunch we all went down to the creek so Martin could help both girls catch a fish. Each caught one fish but both were returned to the creek because they were so small. Martin's dad stopped fishing and began fashioning a whistle out of a willow branch for each of the girls. I thought that this was one of the coolest things I had ever seen. Like many things in this life I believe the knowledge of willow whistles will unfortunately die with the older generations. After all is said and done the girls really enjoyed camping and continue to ask when we can go again.