Well, I knew this would happen. I have nothing to say so I have not blogged for almost a month. I feel like such a loser! Nothing has really changed here. I am constantly just taking care of my kids, doing stuff for primary, and with Valentines day coming up I get to do Alex's school party.
This year for Valentines day, Katie and I have switched baby sitting. Since Martin works that night, I will watch Andrew for Katie and Dave and than maybe later they will watch the girls for us.
Martin and I have never really celebrated Valentines day. The first few years we were together, we were down in California helping out at the flower shop. We would spend maybe half an hour together for lunch and that would be it all day until we would come back to the house and sit around from exhaustion. If you really want to feel the excitement of Valentines day, work in a flower shop. I loved being surrounded by red, white and pink. My nose was delighted all day with the smell of roses. I loved helping people find the perfect something for their perfect someone. Martin and I might not have been able to spend a ton of time together on a day meant for loved ones but it didn't matter. I knew he loved me by the way he would smile at me from the back while he was loading more flowers onto his truck. Sometimes I miss the simple life.