Monday, December 21, 2009

Santa is Here!

This year for Christmas, Martin and I decided to redo the living room. We were in serious need of new couches, we hated our carpet, and I wanted the walls to look clean. For the past 2 to 3 weeks we have been working and we finally got the couches today. Here are the pictures for you to see.

Once everything was out of the room, there were certain things Martin refused to bring back in. The over sized entertainment center was one of them. (It took up way to much space in our tiny living room and weighed a ton.) We found the solution at Ikea. Once we have more money we will mount the TV on the wall.


KT said...

They look wonderful. Now you will have a place to put the stockings on Christmas. We can wait to come over and try them out.

jen said...

Very nice I love them they look great in your new living room.

Jennifx said...

That's so exciting. They look wonderful.