Monday, May 25, 2009

Happy Anniversary!

I know that most people have been celebrating Memorial day today but not Martin and me. Today is our 9 year anniversary. I know that most of you probably think that is still in the newlywed stages, I mean we are still in the single digits, but to us thinking of nine years seems like it should be a reallllly long time. We didn't do anything really special because we just got back for California not that long ago. This morning we worked a little in the yard (it is such a mess) then in the afternoon we went to see Monsters vs. Aliens in 3D. I think the girls really liked it. We went to Chili's for dinner after the movie. It wasn't really a great date since we had the girls with us. Yesterday I asked Martin if he loved me as much as the day we got married. He said that it was a different love. (haha, he always knows the correct answer) I also asked him if he would ever go back...he said he wouldn't trade our girls for anything. I love that man! I am married to a terrific husband and an even better father. I can not wait to see what the future has in store for us.
PS Happy Birthday Nikolas! I hope you had a great one!

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