Thursday, October 16, 2008


I was tagged by my sister-in-law, Jenny, so I better do it now or it might not get done for a while.

10 years ago I was...
1. Sophmore at BYU
2. Living in the Glenwood
3. I hated my roommates
4. Loving my Chem 101 class
5. Trying to find out who I was

5 Things on my to do list today...
1. Clean Chadwicks house
2. Call Bette about Primary Program
3. Call Shyley about 8 year interview
4. Find something fun to do with the kids for Fall break
5. Rest to get over my cold

Snacks I enjoy...
1. Dark Chocolate M&M's
2. Any type of ice cream
3. Oreo's
4. Popcorn
5. Chips

5 Things I would do if I were a millionaire
1. Buy a bigger house
2. Let Martin do whatever he wanted to with his car
3. Travel all over the world
4. Give alot of the money to the charities that are always calling and coming to the door
5. Not spend one more second worrying about money

5 places I have lived (Like Jenny I have lived in Texas and Utah so I am changing it)
5 Places I have vacationed
1. Maui
2. Ireland
3. Nauvoo
4. California
5. Oregon

Well, there it is. Katie, tag your it.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

That was great. You got it done fast. It was fun to read what you were doing 10 years ago.