Sunday, September 14, 2008

Apples, apples and more apples!

Friday, Katie and I went over to Jenny's house to help her make freezer apple pie filling. Since moving to apple grove she feels the need to use the apples from the apple trees that were left in front and behind her house. We have found that the freezer apple pie filling is the easiest and least messy out of all the other recipes we have tried. We tried making homemade applesauce...disaster. Applesauce is so cheap please buy it at the store. This year I thought maybe we should give apple butter a try. (Side note: I did not know what apple butter even was until I began searching recipes online.) I found a recipe crock pot apple butter and told Jenny and Katie I would make it on Saturday. Getting the apples in the crock pot and letting them sit was the easy part. Every time I stirred it I continued to wonder what it was suppose to look like. Finally around 7:30 at night I thought I needed to smush the apples some how. I tried to do it with a hand crank food mill that we have, it worked okay but not to my liking and my hand hurt really bad after a few minutes. Around 11:00, I finally got the apple butter in the jars and in the freezer. So this process took approximately 14 hours... so not worth it. I tried the apple butter this morning on my toast and it is okay but to tell the truth I don't really know if I even like apple butter. Apparently I am crazy and I hope by next fall I grow out of it.

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