Saturday, September 20, 2008

Primary Activity Day

Today we had our first primary activity day since I was put in as president. I feel as if the activity went fine except for the small amount of children. We had 11 kids come, 2 being still in nursery and 5 have moms in the presidency. I don't know if there was anything we could have done differently to get more kids there but unfortunately it makes me feel kinda stupid. I am doing the best that I can but I still seem to be found wanting. Oh well, at least it is in the past and now we just have to start getting down to serious business for our Sacrament meeting program for next month. Wish me luck.


Stephanie said...

You are such a amazing person, I am sure that you put 110% into it. I admire you so much, especially being president of the primary. WOW!

KT said...

Don't you fret. I don't think anyone is going to be going to the bishop to report the low attendance or anything crazy like that! At least you were there to teach those eleven kids something!

Debbie said...

I seem to be plagued with the same problem at Enrichment over and over again. I finally realized that it didn't matter. I had provided a good worthwhile activity and whoever came could enjoy themselves. Those who didn't, missed out. I had done my best and that is all that matters. Don't worry, your blessings will come even if just your kids show up!

jen said...

I sure it was fine. I know you past out all the flyers so it is up to the parents to get the kids there. Not much more you could do. You did your best. Good luck with the program.