Monday, September 1, 2008

First Day of First Grade

Alex has been going to school now for about 2 weeks. It has been an adjustment for all of us. We now awaken before Martin gets home from work in order to get Alex to school by 8:00am. We live to close to the school for her to take a bus so it is either by mom's car or by walking. So far we have chosen walking because Mom needs the exercise. Since we walk that means we have to leave about 20 minutes before school starts. The first week was okay but it is now starting to get colder in the morning and Ashlynn complains the entire time that she is cold. I suppose we will just have to wait and see how long we can continue walking.

Alex has never been the one to hold onto my skirt and cry. She is a very independent and responsible little girl. Most of the time when I drop her off at school she doesn't even say good-bye. So far she seems to be enjoying school and learning...let's just hope that it stays that way.

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

Hey Mandy~
I am so glad that you started a blog also. Now I can see how life is treating you guys, and not just a "fine" through WOW vent. LOL. I can't believe that Alex is 6 and in first grade. Man we are getting old. Please keep in touch & we need to plan a vacation to come see you guys or visa versa. I really miss you. Take care!