So yesterday was laundry day for me. I started a little later than usual since it was a holiday. I was trying to take advantage of the opportunity to sleep in at least a little bit longer than 6:50 am. I got my first load out of the washer and my second in. When my first load finished in the dryer, I pulled out the clothes and saw purple dots all over the clothes. I was so upset because my favorite pair of shorts were now ruined. After getting all the clothes out and sorted through I found the culprit in the dryer... a purple crayon. Aaaahhhh! I quickly logged on the Internet and began the search. Lo and behold, I found this:
2 max amounts (line 3) of concentrated Tide
1 cup Oxiclean
1/2 cup 20 mule team Borax
1 cup Shout liquid
1 cup white vinegar
I figured it would be cheaper to try this than buy all new clothes. Martin was such a doubting Thomas while we were purchasing all the ingredients but I held out all hope. My clothes look beautiful and purple dot free.
Hooray!!! I am so excited for you!!!!!! I will call you later
Wow! I can't believe it came out. I wish you would have taken pictures because it is hard to believe! The internet really IS the best thing ever!
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